TPC: 7

We are back with the actual update and the heir poll results.  I am going through the posts trying to make sure that the scoring is correct.  It’s hard to keep track of because some of the moveouts took the pickups to clear the lot.

Continue reading “TPC: 7”

Marshin TPC: Heir Poll

Guess what I found?  That’s right!  After six years, maybe we can finally get this challenge completed.

I would recap, but I forgot everything.  I re-read the whole thing and the last chapter mentioned missing pics.  In fact, the whole TPC folder is missing with scores and shit.  We fast forward.

Continue reading “Marshin TPC: Heir Poll”

Veronaville, Round 1: Summerdream

Welcome to the Summerdream’s.  I did not get starting wants due to a fight that broke out.  I did some aspiration adjusting, but not much.

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Oberon Summerdream
Knowledge/Family – Become Hand of Poseidon

Wants:  Marry Titania (locked), max the creativity skill, play with Puck, Talk to Puck, buy a magazine, buy a telescope worth $500.

First want completed:  Marry Titania.

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Titania Summerdream
Family/Knowledge – Reach Golden Anniversary

Wants: Play with Puck, talk to Puck, play with Bottom, buy a telescope worth $500, gain a cooking skill point, gain a cleaning skill point.

First want completed:  Buy a telescope since she was running off to work.

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Puck Summerdream
Family/Pleasure – Have 50 Dream Dates

First Wants: Go to college, gain a logic point, go steady with Hermia, have 3 best friends.

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Bottom Summerdream
Grow Up

Wants:  buy a telescope, be best friends with Beau (Broke), play with, gain a skill point.

First want completed: Buy a telescope.

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First things first, ACR assumed that Oberon and Titania have never kissed before and they get their first kiss.

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Tybalt beats up Mercutio like a jerk.

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I went ahead and had them get married.

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Bottom is sick of having everyone around and decides to send everyone away.

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Just as Bottom is sending everyone home, Puck asks Hermia to go steady with him and she agrees.

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Early, early Sunday morning Oberon makes Mac n’ Cheese for the family.

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Titania is at work and Puck is asleep.  That means it’s a father/daughter meal.

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Sunday work schedule results in promotions for Oberon and Puck.  Sadly, I had no clue about Titania’s schedule for Saturday night and she didn’t have promotion skills yet.  Her and Bottom studied all day Sunday though.

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Bianca Monty invited Oberon downtown.  She brought Kent Capp along with Patrizio and Isabella, which I think are her parents.  *shrug*

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It didn’t take a genius to know something was bound to go wrong here.  Oberon ends the outing after the 3rd fight between Kent and Isabella.

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Oberon barely walks in the door before Titania takes him out for their very first woohoo as a married couple, but at the same time as her carpool notification pops up.  Hope it’s a quickie.  Risky was in effect, but she did not get pregnant.  I like the assumption that they adopted Bottom and Puck from family friends that passed away or something, rather than her/him being infertile.  In that regard, they can only rely on risky for them to get pregnant.

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Titania comes home with a promotion and heads to bed.  Puck wakes up to eat, Bottom eats and wants to play chess and get a logic point.  Oberon is still asleep after the hot tub shenanigans.

Summary:  So, I have never played this family before and they mostly just worked and skilled.  No Oceanography job showed up for Oberon, so maybe next time.  Titania wants to reach her golden anniversary, which is the main reason they got married.

Ending Wants:

Oberon: Reach charisma level 5, buy an easel, go fishing, blog about hobby, smustle dance, and dance with someone.

Titania: Reach cooking level 4, go fishing, go on vacation, be best friends with Herb Oldie, see a ghost, and reach mechanical level 4.

Puck: Buy a computer, ask on a date, buy a car, go to college (locked).

Bottom: Go fishing, be best friends with Beau, get an A+ report card, reach logic level 5.

Simnano 2020 Tally, update #8:  565 words/ 21 pics
Overall Tally: 5,745 words 264 pics

Veronaville, Round 1: Capp (Consort)

Welcome to Veronaville.  We are playing the first 3 families in recommended order and the bin families in random order.  The list is on the household page.  I have not played this neighborhood much.  I think maybe once before?  So, I have no idea what really happens around here.

Continue reading “Veronaville, Round 1: Capp (Consort)”