TPC: 9

Welcome back.  There is a probability that this is one of the final chapters!  It all depends on who YOU pick as the heiress in the poll posted earlier today.  If you choose right, there is only one more update after this.  If you choose wrong, there will be two!  Not much of a difference.

Previously:  Georgina got knocked up by Fred on a date downtown.  Luke then moved in with a buttload of cash and a second doublewide was made. Luke got abducted and had Xabat.  Georgina gave birth to Manwich, Luke got abducted again, which resulted in triplets, and then Georgina gave us Tater.  A total of two pregnancies each.  Total of 2 boys and 5 girls.

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We start off with Xabat’s birthday.

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And Georgina has a pop.  Must be a result from the tent woohoo last update.

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Izzie is still pregnant.  Remember, if you see her go for adoption and return, it’s because we quit without saving.

So far, we have terminated the pregnancy, resurrected Blue, and got her pregnant again.  It’s failed twice.

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Yes, Blue is resurrected again.

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We debugged Izzie into an elder.  Then we did it again and she became a puppy.  We then went into SimPe fiddled around to make her a real puppy again.  Then she had an adult birthday.  Here she is.  And she fucking STUCK pregnant.  Sigh.

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Emmalou is on her own.  I’m too busy trying to fix puppies.

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We know Lynn is going to drop dead anytime now.  Tonight is not that night apparently.

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This is to signify that they STILL cannot access the counters even with new ones.

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So Emmalou is still making her disgusting burnt muffins.

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There we go.  I finally had a moment to deal with this issue.  The puppy one has taken over my life.  I placed the burninator everywhere around the counters.

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We take a break from dog stupidity for the new fixer upper.

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The old one is over here for a short time.  Then I get a stupid pop up about needing a parking spot for a car returning home….every five seconds.  I’m about to shoot this game in the butt.

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Wedding? ✔️
Baby bump?✔️

Do we get points for it?  NO!  sigh.  I’m so bad at this crap.  This is pregnancy three, not one.  But I tried.

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Also.  Lynn kicks the bucket mid-ceremony.  Are freaking serious?!

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Lynn:  I can’t believe I’m croaking with the want to have a family member get married still there.
Not my problem, next time check your timing.
Lynn:  I’m DEAD!  There won’t be a next time!
Knowing my game, don’t be surprised if we see you in 10 minutes.

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We continue on with the ceremony like we didn’t just have a death.

Simis:  I love invisible solo cups.  Everyone should have one!

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Simis:  I’m still just standing here with my invisible cup!
Don:  I think we should have an invisible cups only after party!

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Xabat:  Gee, thanks for inviting me.

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Luke:  How did we get invisible cups when we never went to get one?
Georgina:  I don’t know, but it’s tasty.

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Georgina:  I got something for you!
Luke:  I’ll give you my half full invisible cup if you don’t do it.
Georgina:  SOLD!

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Henrietta:  I’ll be your BFF forever if you find me a table to eat at.

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I swear it only became a good time when Lynn dropped dead.

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I found Earlene passed out in the second trailer hidden in the second kitchen.

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Then we find Emmalou passed out as well.

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Manwich is born!

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And nothing freaking happens for 24 hours.

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Xabat:  What is this crap?
Georgina:  It’s the crap that going to propel you far in life.
Xabat:  Where’s my dad?
Georgina:  Trying to get the aliens to give you a sibling.

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This is the second time and no pregnancy.

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Haunting!  I’m not really that thrilled to have the graves back, but the Bubblelynn’s grave is part of the rules.

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Fuck off Izzie.

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Meet Sophie.  She can’t have puppies either.  This ruled out a corrupt Izzie.

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Earlene moved out and took a recently unimpregnated Izzie with her.  Also, the dogs are too high class to sleep outside anymore.  These two were on the verge of collapse, so now they have trailer 2 to themselves.

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We used the simblender to get Luke alien pregnant after the second abduction.

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Emmalou is a (almost wrote pregnant teen..fucking puppies.).  Is a fortune sim.  Her aspiration will fail because she Wants to Become the Law.  Isn’t that one of the ones you need to graduate uni?

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Xabat is about to become a teen and Manwich will be a child.

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OHEMGEE.  So, the tv broke recently.  So it had to be locked up.  It was turned off.  Now the tv and the broken radio or making noise.  Even fenced in, this is why the dogs can no longer sleep outside.  Half a lot away with three fences between them, their stupid hearing is too acute to sleep through the noise.

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Woo!  We are now done with the slacker career.  I give her the job stopinator so she can coast along.

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Luke’s baby time!

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Luke:  Hold the baby.  I got another one coming!

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All three look the same.

I used up half my pics to get here and was going to end it, but let’s just keep going.

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Luke put in a pet store a couple of streets over.  We went and brought Wacko home.  She is a Bullmastiff.

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As expected, we have a new teen and child.

Xabat is fortune/family sim with an aspiration of Becoming the Head of the SCIA.
Good luck with that!

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This is the only thing anyone really does around here.
Georgina:  But at least we look cute doing it!

Oh, trying to hide pregnancy #4 from me?

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And then we almost forgot our yard sale!  Yikes!

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And Blue dies (again).  This poor dog.

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So Luke went back to the pet store and bought this cutie.  We named him Fracture – to mimic my game.  He’s a hyena.

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Emmalou:  Dad!  You make a better door than you do a window!  MOVE!
Luke:  *shakes butt*
Emmalou:  GROSS!
Georgina:  At least he didn’t fart!
Manwich:  I’m outta here.  You people are gross.

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Well, I forgot that we started the garden back up and harvested strawberries.  Time to stock that fridge.

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I finally broke down.  I meant to move out Luke and Wacko, but it was fracture instead.  We used the teleporter to bring her here and moved her in.  The rottie was a stray we moved in.  For testing purposes.  There are NO mods in my game.  I am just testing my hacks.  Wacko gives birth to three pups.  *quits without saving*

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The next batch is tested and we get three pups again.  Quits.

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Omg.  So cute!  Mods are back in.  The issue is that I’m not familiar enough with Sims 2 to know if you save without cc and mods, if they affect unplayed lots like the main house.  So, I swear to freaking god.  I quit without saving at least 10 times after Playing nonstop pregnancies with Wacko.  After the first time, I did grab and 11-21 hour pet pregnancy mod.

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We are officially back home.  The triplets have aged up.  We forgot to roll the pacifier, so they are alien dad clones.

Astrea: (short hair all alone with bottle) 7/8/10/10/0
Bozi: (middle in pink dress) 10/10/2/2/10
Celestia: (closest) 10/8/0/7/10

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Emmalou:  Why?  Get out of the way, Xab!

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Before they died, Frito and Lynn were on the hobby benches.  Frito died with like 50 flower arrangements.  Grrr.  But Lynn made us a few cleanbots and one has runamok.  But they are so handy!

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I’m happy to report that the dog line is finally done.  Wacko and Blue are proud to announce the birth of Coco and Milo.

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Argh so many birthdays!

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Bozi:  Want puppies!

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Tomatoes were harvested and they can relax on the gardening forever now.

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Close up potty shots!  Out of order of course.  Bozi, Astrea, and Celestia.

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They get their own room.

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LAST BABY!  Hello, Tater.

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We finally get the yard sale done.

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I’m shocked that the business made it to level 8.  Also, all the birthdays.

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Luke did stay open a little bit late, It’s like 7:30?  He didn’t start until almost 9am though.  We just did not want to miss out when we saw the reviewer.

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They didn’t make much, but they sold a lot!

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Only one painting, but all the front flowers.

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Keep all these pets fed is a hard.  We have Blue, Wacko, Fracture, and two pups.

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I caught the kids doing something other than video games!

Birthday time!

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Emmalou is an adult now.

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Tater is a toddler.  7/10/8/1/3

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And then the triplets!

How it will work with the poll.  If Emmalou wins.  Then this challenge is done!

  • If Emmalou does not win, then we play until the triplets are teens.
  • If any of the triplets become a knowledge sim, they are immediately disqualified and who ever has the most votes of the three will win and we will play until they are an adult.
  • f for some weird reason, they all become knowledge sims, then it will be playing Tater to adult as she will be the default heiress.

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